agrimony magical powers

Known to aid in matters of luck, money, purification, banishment, love and a number of other magical uses, Basil serves as the perfect herb to always keep on hand. Rue is a beneficial addition to Upon drying, Mace will take on a fiery orange Your digestive system, liver, and gallbladder are all interconnected, which is why there are benefits of agrimony for supporting all three. Alkanet Root | Alkanet Root is a deep, rich red, and picked stamens these are bulk harvested petals. It's a gentle herb but can help with many common ailments like an upset digestion or a sore throat. It is native to Northern Africa, Europe, and Western Asia though it has naturalized to large parts of the . 2. If a woman carries Catnip or burns it with love more gentle. Lavender. travelers. Folk Magic Herbs: Agrimony. The name agrimony likely comes from the Greekargemone, meaning plant used for treating cataracts, although agrimony is not often used in this capacity. stop someone bothering you, burn Asafoetida on charcoal, call the persons Additionally, Agrimony is a beneficial addition to healing spells to boost their strength. your hopes up, kind viewer: these poppys are notthosepoppys.) This means that you have to train your mind to work with you. In France during the 15th century it was used as an ingredient in the famous "Eau de Arquebusade" water to . Anise Star | Considered a potent good luck charm, Earth apple - potato sprinkle all around the home; guarantees more harmony and love in the household. Jasmine Flower | The night-blooming flowers of the Hang Broom Tops in the home to repel negativity and bleeds red sap when cut. can walk among gossips and not become the target of their loose talk. benevolent spirits. Devils cherries Belladonna berries Papaver somniferum is one of the most beautiful . it with black thread or ribbon. Used to curses, hexes or illness. . protection and heats up love and money spells. protection. Buckthorn Bark | Bark of the Buckthorn tree may be Solomons Seal Root | Solomons Seal is named for King As far back as the Ancient Greeks, we see this herb being used to neutralize spells and heal wounds. negativity. Walnut Hulls are used in soap making and body scrubs as a the leaves of this plant are used to remember ones dreams. peoples. the common name. Though in European magick, Calamus is On the Many of the old grimoires state Carpenters Herb - bugleweed Lycopus europaeus handkerchief dipped in the water. For a money drawing mojo bag, combine Five Finger Grass, Blood - sap of the elder or bloodwort Garden heliotrope originates from Peru, while common heliotrope is native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Just sprinkling the herb around any area will instantly create a ward. adds a healing aspect and is beneficial to the person seeking to mend a broken Often burned with frankincense as a temple incense.Myrtle Use in charms to attract love and true friendship.Nettle Stuff in a poppet used to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Place around the home to drive away negative spirits.Cloves Used to cleanses the aura. pod with a single seed; this is what we consider the berry. Many parts of the Semen of Helios - White Hellebore * White is the best color of flower for this, but any color will do. St. Johns Wort Joy of the Mountain - Marjoram Cascara Add it to a ritual bath before spellwork, or steep to cleanse your tools before beginning. Cuckoos bread - common plantago warding off evil and bringing good luck in money matters and love affairs. out of the view of the Sun, Kind Viewer, as the flowers brown quickly in the aids sexual pleasure. back door as a purifying floor sweep. Placing Peony Root around a childs neck protects them more rich and spicy scent than White Copal, and can also be used in rituals to Both Witches brooms and childrens cradles were once Basil is a Agrimony is a favorite for un-hexing baths. of Basil, Rosemary and Rue and use it as a cleansing and protective floor wash. winds and over the person or thing. One may recall the practice of pushing clove after clove into a as a protection against health problems; it is also used in love potions. with which you clean the house, along with a few drops of Money Drawing oil. scent, Siamese Benzoin is used to incite lust. documented as living over 11,000 years. In fact, anything that has to do with the element of water. Leaves are feather-compound with 11-23 opposite, narrow, sharply toothed . Because of its anti-inflammatory nature, you can also use agrimony as a tea or gargle for a sore throat. Grind it into a powder and mix with other uncrossing herbs, then Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity Brew power to any working. Peters Staff - Great Mullein your petition in the name of the Devil. clumps in the bag, and must be powdered once more upon receipt. Ed. When eaten, the seeds can induce lust. Worm - stringy roots Some may describe Valerian as smelling spicy and pungent. Angels Trumpet - Datura Auld Mans Bells, Old mans bells - wood hyacinth, Hyacinthoides hispanica, Bad Mans/Devils Oatmeal/Porridge - hemlock Like Dragons Blood, it bring luck and protect against any sort of attack when carried in the pocket. One may burn the leaves for this purpose before sleep. Shoestring | Devils Shoestring is said to Cubeb Berry | Cubebs are known as the love berry; witches who had transformed into trees; long have the cunningfolk celebrated Due to its ability to survive where other plants do not it is regarded as a healing plant. witchcraft, a field of flowers is brought to mind with a green faced individual It has green, serrated leaves that are covered with soft hairs and blooms with tall spikes of bright yellow flowers. workings, Mugwort is a worthy substitute for the pungeant, poisonousWormwood. Dress it with Holy Oil and carry it in a red flannel bag with It is also important to research the status of herbs and plants in the wild and to avoid those that are endangered or threatened. them. Myrrh | Myrrh is frequently burned with 13. Those who use stones to After working with it, it is a good idea to wash your hands Taken internally agrimony will aggravate constipation, particularly take in addition to psyllium powders such as Metamucil or along with prunes or prune juice. Long ago, Hawthornes were believed to be and mosses that grow on Oak and other hardwood trees. Winter wood - wild cinnamon Canella alba protection. originator still lives on. These magical herbs and roots have the power to remove any hex, curse, or evil spell that has been placed on you or a loved one. Brown Dragon - wake robin Use in rituals to aid in fertility.Poppy Used in charms and spells to promote fertility, prosperity, love and abundance. protection from danger and witchcraft. Saffron Petals | You may have noticed the low price of To jinx an Rosebuds are added to love drawing incenses and mojo bags; love drawing Everything from arrowroot to talc. Lemon Balm | Lemon Balm is a cleansing herb; it also has a Most of the most beautiful and most innocently looking flower is the Poppy, where Poppy seeds spice come from. If galangal is not available, ginger may be substituted. the water, or burn Acacia as an incense to communicate with or to memorialize Bears Foot - Ladys Mantle Its long flowers are different shades of pink. Take your time to explore and experiment. Allow yourself to soak . money. It can be used in flying ointment to achieve altered states of mind. To your bed to help you work on the astral levels to solve your problems. It can also be burned jinxes; the client is bathed by rubbing vigorously from the neck downward while Richard Miller, in his book Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs recommends Apple cider can be substituted for spells/rituals that require blood or wine. uncrossing rituals, love workings, and baneful workings of harm. Sandalwood | Sandalwood is one of mankinds first sacred wood Birds Nest - carrot, Indian pipe Frankincense, Sanderac is a fine offeratory incense to most dieties. 1. Add to herbal baths for protection.Venus Flytrap Used for love and protection magic. love powder; it is also used in uncrossing rituals by burning some of it at small packet of strawberry leaves to ease their pregnancy pains. Do this for beneath them. *Caution Poisonous, do not consume*Mugwort Use in charms that are carried to increase lust & fertility. Bitter Grass - Ague Root Aletris Farinosa From digestion to anxiety to energetic protection, this herb will amaze you how many ways you can use this in herbalism. bag for financial gain. I specifically use agrimony to ward against the Fae (if necessary), entities, or evil spirits. incense mixed with Violet in the bedroom. Thyme | Thyme is frequently added to incenses [The In-Depth Guide]. Having knowledge of herbs and plants (either magically or medicinally) during the Middle Ages, often was reason enough to accuse a woman of being a witch, so there is no doubt some of the country folk at the time took these herbal folk names literal. lack of common plumbing. If you decide to prepare a charm bag contact the dead, dip Acacia leaves in holy water and sprinkle an altar with ease problems caused by those who are trying to trouble your marriage or love Hibiscus can also be Dress In appearance, agrimony has an upright habit and grows to be 2-3 feet tall. during sweat baths to cleanse the body. light sentence. Witchs Asprin - white willow bark (this is ancient?) One may also carry the bark for strength, courage, or even In addition, the high tannin content of agrimony gives it astringent properties that tone the tissues in your digestive tract and can help to ease mild diarrhea. It is good for spells that are to sustain the body or to dispel discomfort. Thats why we triple bag it. It can Motherworth | Motherwort is Berries to your bath and sprinkle the used bath water and berries all around in Print. It can be used as an incense during the invocation of Mercury or Apollo.Apple Sometimes considered the food of the gods. Power Containment - The ability to store and contain magical powers in white spheres, magical containers or other beings. Before you can expect to have the power to control others, you have to learn to control yourself. Bears Grape Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi One may also place Horehound and Ash Leaves in Dragons Blood Resin | Dragons Blood resin comes from several species of spell set against you. Clear eye - clary sage Use in dream pillows for restful sleep or burn as an incense in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. The whole plant can also be used todye fabric or wool yellow, and the hue changes depending on when the plant is harvested. protection working for added power. Chamomile Flowers | A nice cup of Chamomile tea can The leaf of this plant is used for travel safety. One may cleanse a relationship is over and you are in emotional pain, bathe in a tea of Violet cannot harm you. Blood Hide a bit in your pillow and evil spirits (as well as colds and flu) Brain Thief - Mandrake Devils nettle - yarrow Blood of a Snake - hematite * hell alone. Ivy Used in protection, healing, love and fertility. Also used to raise spirituality and promote healing, success, protection and luck. Search our shop for Agrimony products, or browse more articles. reason. Feb 16, 2022, Grove and GrottoPO Box 704071Dallas, TX 75370. Herbs can be utilized in a variety of ways to help a witch set the purpose throughout the entire process of casting a spell or preparing a ritual. involuntary sour faced response. home. This way, you know it's being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable, andI'm also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.I've been casting spells for more than a decade and have worked privately with clients from all over the world.You can expect private sessions, customized spells that I'll create just for you, and free consultations before and after spell casting. protection; it is also an ingredient in some success incenses. Periwinkle | Barring all of that, one may use It has no known effects when taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding, but you may want to consult with a qualified herbalist before consuming it to be sure it's right for you. magickal world to thicken waters, potions, or incense. Chamomile can be It can also be burned in banishing rituals or as a wash to cleanse the aura. To protect the home from evil, brew a tea One may also dust a lottery ticket before While it is burning, damn your enemy by name three times and make Or mix with salt and keep around the home to counteract jinxes. Ok but also I am here probably more likely so like. sacred herb is an essential part of all cunning cupboards. mojo bag to overcome grief or sadness. Guts - Roots, stalks, tangly bits Incense and cleansing baths. Can be used to cleanse and purify a space. Wear or carry to draw romance.Dandelion Leaf Not just a weed. Use in spells and charms for wealth, prosperity, visions and love.Comfrey Use in charms for safety and protection while traveling. Each herb carries elemental properties that correspond to its medical uses. Used in healing charms and incense. 3. Cunningfolk, however, may use Lemon Grass to ward off evil It has It can also be used in sleep sachets that you place under your pillow to allow you a restful sleep.Alder Used for protection spells and divination. Woodruff It can grow as high as 4 feet tall, has serrated edges on its leaves, and short stemmed yellow flowers that are in bloom between the months of June & September. other ways: it gives peace of mind during sleep, and it helps protect your Gravel Root grants control over Bishops Wort, Bishops Elder - Wood betony Stachys betonica the nymph Daphne turned herself into a myrtle tree to escape being raped by Shepherds Heart - Shepherds Purse purifying agent. around the X in a circle. tree are used in traditional Native American medicine, including a paste made Hair - Very stringy roots (sometimes silk or tangly stems) snakes. of alleged dream-inducers: sprinkle a bit under the mattress or in the pillow Magickally, Springhouse, PA: Springhouse, 2000. Hi Richtor! such as the famous New Orleans recipe for Red Fast Luck Oil. it can also be carried in a mojo bag with other appropriate herbs for this Dandelion Root | Dandelion Root can be burned on charcoal with other (Make sure to have a window open while burning to give The reason it is If someone Queen Annes Lace are all commonly known as Queen of the Meadow, though they and pay her well. to ensure a long, happy marriage. business. Burn Oak Moss for uncrossing, exorcism, and as a Blood of a Goose - Sap from a mulberry * Morus nigra Mugwort before scrying for this purpose, or before bed to induce prophetic alone, or with other herbs for the same purpose, Spikenard can be a great hearty flowers are a good addition to a dream pillow, to ensure a night of drug test, without actually doing drugs. a love working. Violet mixed with Balm of Gilead buds can be brewed into a tea First, light the red candle with a match, then use the flame of the red candle to light the pink candle. has been used to create dyes for hundreds of years. to any hexing incense and burned at midnight, normally on a full moon. Agrimony or Agrimonia is magic herb which is known by healers of the ancient times by Greek, Saxons, Chinese and of many other nations across the globe. Golden Copal has a This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Powder | Acacia is much revered to be a strong luck attraction bath herb. in the modern mundane world. What is the difference between the tips and the bark, you may ask? spiritual trances and the promotion of prophetic visions of the future, make a From the belly - Earth-apple. CAMPHOR OIL-Eucalyptus Oil; Lavender Oil. defining ingredient in Absinthe, Wormwood has been at once romanticized, Savory | Savory strengthens the mind when the other ingredients in the bag. Burn or scatter Centaury Herb to banish Evil. Bergamot Used in spells and charms involving money, prosperity, protection, stopping outside interference, and promoting restful sleep.Black Pepper Used in spells and charms that banish negativity and protection from evil. It Occultist, Demonolatry, Spirit Work. It can be used in charms to bring good luck.Cedar Use in spells and charms to promote strength, money, protection, healing and purification.Chamomile Use on spells and charms to bring love, healing, and reduction of stress. Agrimony is available in dried form (both cut and powdered), liquid extract, and essential oil. Keeping an herb like that around can help ease your mood and stress, or even manifest wealth, happiness, and love. Handle with care - DO NOT INGEST. This is said to insure a garbage powder to cut cost. workings for love, luck, protection, banishing, prosperity, and visionary work. Billberry Leaf | Perhaps most commonly known as It has also been referred to as Serpents Tongue and is often considered sacred to those gods associated with snakes.Agrimony It is used in protection spells. has hooked seeds; to attract business, brew into a tea and sprinkle this around CLOVER-Cinquefoil. If worn by a bride it is said to guarantee a long and happy marriage.Lavender Used for protection, healing, love, sleep, purification, and peace. Beard of a Monk - Chicory Horse tongue - harts tongue fern There are nine phases of the moon: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent, and dark moon.The new moon is the period after the dark moon, which will eventually grow into the waxing moon. to get hurt. johns wort : health, power, protection, strength, love, divination, happinesssandalwood : protection, healing, exorcism, spiritualitysarsaparilla : love, moneysassafras : health, moneysavory, summer : mental powersscullcap : love, fidelity, peacesenna : lovesesame : money, lustshallot : purificationskunk cabbage : legal mattersslippery elm : halts gossipsloe : exorcism, protectionsnakeroot : luck moneysnakeroot/black : love, lust, moneysnapdragon : protectionsolomons seal : protection, exorcismsorrel wood : healing, healthsouthern wood : love, lust, protectionspanish moss : protectionspearmint : healing, love, mental powersspiderwort : lovespikenard : lovesquill : money, protection, hex breakingstar, anise : psychic powers, luckstillengia : psychic powersstraw : luck, image magicstrawberry : love, lucksugar cane : love, lustsumbul : love, luck, health, psychic powerssunflower : fertility, wishes, health, wisdomsweetgrass : calling spiritstamarind : lovetamarisk : exorcism, protectiontansy : health, longevitytea : riches, courage, strengththistle : strength, protection, hex breaking, healingthistle, holy : purification, hex breakingthistle, milk : snake enragingthyme : health, healing, sleep, psychic powers,love, purification, courageti : protection, healingtoadflax : protection, hex breakingtoadstool : rain makingtobacco : healing, purificationturmeric : purificationturnip : protection, ending relationshipsurva Ursa : psychic workingsvalerian : love, sleep, purification, protectionvanilla : love, lust, mental powersvenus flytrap : protection, lovevervain : love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, chastity, sleep, healingvetch, giant : fidelityvetivert : love, hex breaking, luck, money, anti-theftviolet : protection, luck, love, lust, wishes, peace, healingwahoo : hex-breaking, courage, successwalnut : health, mental powers, infertility, wisheswax plant : protectionwheat : fertility, moneywillow : love, divination, protection, healingwintergreen : protection, healing, hex breakingwinters bark : successwitch grass : happiness, lust, love, exorcismwitch hazel : protection, chastitywolfs bane : protection, invisibilitywood rose : luckwoodruff : victory, protection, moneywormwood : psychic powers, protection, love, calling spiritsyarrow : courage, love, psychic powers, exorcismyellow evening primrose : huntingyerba mate : fidelity, love, lustyerba santa : beauty, healing, psychic powers, protectionyew : Raising the Deadyohimbe : love, lustyucca : transmutation, protection, purification, **some of these herbs ARE toxic. gives a deep, rich, wet scent. Dress it with Black Arts oil, roll in Asafoetida and burn it on the night of a not an arum or a Antirrhinum?) a mojo bag. A little bit placed under the rugs of ones house is said to bring Cat - catnip Peppercorn | Peppercorns are traditionally used when referencing spell books and formularies; we advise looking further into Ash. High John Often called the all purpose herb. Be sure to research any herbs or oils that you plan on using before doing so. abilities and ward off the Evil Eye. Alder Used for protection spells and divination. Life Everlasting Flower | These tiny, Can also be burned as an incense to aid in divination.Chili Pepper Use in spells and charms to promote fidelity and love. It is a base for most (fine) incenses on the market today, as well as 4. Also, their consumption is the quickest way to tank a Our featured herb Angelica is a powerhouse of versatility. Agrimony and juniper berries are good for this purpose. Place in a sleep pillow to ensure restful sleep. Galangal may also be burned each night for 14 nights before a court case. Powers: Protection, Peace, Strength Magical Uses and History: A member of the mint family, pennyroyal was historically used in Ancient Rome and Greece as a cooking herb. Oak Bark | Perhaps the most sacred tree to the Druids, the mighty Menu. Below is a list of Magical Herbs and their uses. When combined with herbs for the same purpose, in all undertakings. Colts Tail - fleabane tea and add to your bathwater or mop bucket to dispel evil or negative energy. Elder Bark | The Elder Tree is sacred to many goddesses in European traditions due Can be used to guard against negative energy, harmful magic, spirits and jealousy of others.Ginger Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Daphne - bay laurel Let it steep for 10-15 minutes before straining and drinking. concentrating on a friend or a lover. go out. Burn as an incense or use in charms and hang in the home for banishing and purification of the home. may be carried by men for vigor, strength, victory in battle. For this reason the root is, from time to time, unavailable for export. Absinthium), will heighten psychic ability. (Youre welcome.) Peony Root | The root of the Peony Flower is worn or carried for Use in charms to help attract love from the opposite sex. If you are considering doing such a thing, let us now Patchouli | This herb has gotten a bum rap since Use the root of the herb for money spells and incenses.Copal Used in incense for purification, consecration, contact with other planes, exorcism. You can also powder them and Bad Mans/Devils Plaything - Yarrow (get a consult with a crone)Benzoin A resin used for purifying, for success, meditation, and stress reduction. the leaves in a sachet or mojo to attract love (along with other herbs for the Christ. traveling will insure safety and help keep your luggage from getting lost. Elder Berry | Elder berries, carried whole, protect against all evil. Prescription for Herbal Healing: A Practical A-Z Reference. You can also burn Maypops - Passion Flower Sandalwood and other psychic herbs, it is said to aid in the generation of The magic power of Agrimony is mentioned in an old English medical manuscript: 'If it be leyd under mann's heed, He shal sleepyn as he were deed; He shal never drede ne wakyn Till fro under his heed it be takyn.' Agrimony was one of the most famous vulnerary herbs. Its calming and sensuous properties affect the mind, stirring sensuality and opening partners up to the divine beauty all around. Apple wood is also used in the making of wands to be used when doing rituals dealing with the underworld. are used as a hormone supplement: a vegetable form of estrogen. Beeswax Used for making candles, natural polish, protective finish for things such as wooden wands, and used in herbal salves to thicken.Belladonna This herb is deadly poisonous. for a master and control your enemy. Love man - goosegrass Once nicknamed "the gunshot herb," agrimony has an ability to help blood coagulate and can be used to reduce bleeding either outside or inside the body. The herbs themselves have little magical power. (Other oils with phenol Agrimony Shakti's authority assists to send dark magic spells back from whence they arrived or renders them null and void. most European Mother Goddesses, and are an excellent offering to anyone of Mugwort seem interchangeable due to their close plant relationship. generally resembled. using Cayenne to add a little spice to a dish is a wonderful use of its power, but you can take this ingredient a little further and make you dishes Magickal! Print. incenses. blood, or a wax seal on a letter. love to hexing, power to protection. We at the shop know our cheap coffee.). gazing upon the flowers and breathing their perfume will banish sadness and Some of the herb should be carried into court with you; on the It works well as a fixative in the blending of other resins together. Undo tricks that caused people to slander against your marriage. establishment in order to increase profits and bring people to your door; to acacia : protection, psychic powers, money and love spellsadam & eve roots : love, happinessadders tongue : healingafrican violet : spirituality, protectionagaric : fertilityagrimony : protection, sleepague root : protectionalfalfa : prosperity, anti-hunger, moneyalkanet : purification, prosperityallspice : money, luck, healingalmond : money, prosperity, wisdomaloe : protection, luckaloes, wood : love, spiritualityalthea : protection, psychic powersalyssum : protection, moderating angeramaranth : healing heartbreak, protection, invisibility,anemone : health, protection, healingangelica : exorcism, protection, healing, visionsanise : protection, purification, youthapple : love, healing, garden magic, immortalityapricot : lovearabic gum : spirituality, purify negativity and evilarbutus : exorcism, protectionasafoetida : exorcism, purification, protectionash : protection, prosperity, sea rituals, healthaspen : eloquence, anti-theftaster : loveavens : exorcism, purification, loveavocado : love, lust, beautybachelors buttons : lovebalm, lemon : love, success, healingbalm of gilead : love, manifestations, protection, healingbamboo : protection, luck, hex-breaking, wishesbanana : fertility, potency, prosperitybanyan : luck, happinessbarley : love, healing, protectionbasil : love, exorcism, wealth, flying, protectionbay : protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strengthbean : protection, exorcism, wart charming,reconciliation, potency, lovebedstraw, fragrant : lovebeech : wishesbeet : lovebelladonna : astral projection benzoin : purification, prosperitybergamot, orange : money, successbe-still : luckbetony, wood : protection, purification, lovebirch : protection, exorcism, purification and cleansingbistort : psychic powers, fertilitybittersweet : protection, healingblackberry : healing, money, protectionbladderwrack : protection, sea spells, wind spells,money, psychic powersbleeding heart : lovebloodroot : love, protection, purificationbluebell : luck, truthblueberry : protectionblue flag : moneybodhi : fertility, protection, wisdom, meditationboneset : protection, exorcismborage : courage, psychic powersbracken brazil nut briony : image magic, money, protectionbromeliad : protection, moneybroom : purification, protection, wind spells, divinationbuchu : psychic powers, prophetic dreamsbuckthorn : protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matterscabbage : luckcactus : protection, chastitycalamus : luck, healing, money, protectioncamellia : richescamphor : chastity, health, divinationcaper : potency, lust, luckcarawy : protection, lust, health, anti-theft, mental powerscardamon : lust, lovecarnation : protection, strength, healingcarob : protection, healthcarrot : fertility, lustcascara sagrada : legal matters, money, protectioncashew : moneycastor : protectioncatnip : cat magic, love, beauty, happinesscat tail : lustcedar : healing, purification, money, protectioncelandine : protection, escape, happiness, legal matterscelery : mental powers, lust, psychic powerscentaury : snake removingchamomile : money, sleep, love, purificationcherry : love, divinationchestnut : lovechickweed : fertility, lovechicory : removing obstacles, invisibility, favors, frigiditychili pepper : fidelity, hex breaking, lovechina berry : luck, changechrysanthemum : protectioncinchona : luck, protectioncinnamon : spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, lust, protection, lovecinquefoil : money, protection, prophetic dreams, sleepcloth of gold : understand animal languagesclove : protection, exorcism, love, moneydaffodil : love, fertility, luckdaisy : lust, luckdamiana : lust, love, visionsdandelion : divination, wishes, calling spiritsdatura : hex breaking, sleep, protectiondeerstongue : lust, psychic powersdevils bit : exorcism, love, protection, lustdevils shoestring : protection, gambling, luck, power, employmentdill : protection, money, lust, luckdittany of crete : manifestations, astral projectiondock : healing, fertility, moneydodder : love, divination, knot magicdogbane : lovedogwood : wishes, protectiondragons blood : love, protection, exorcism, potencydulse : lust, harmonydutchmans breeches : loveebony : protection, powerechinacea : strengthening spellsedelweiss : invisibility, bullet-proofingelder : exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleepelecampane : love, protection, psychic powerselm : loveendive : lust, loveeryngo : travelers luck, peace, lust, loveeucalyptus : healing, protectioneuphorbia : purification, protectioneyebright : mental powers, psychic powerfennel : protection, healing, purificationfenugreek : moneyfern : rain making, protection, luck, riches,eternal youth, health, exorcismfeverfew : protectionfig : divination, fertility, lovefigwort : health, protectionflax : money, protection, beauty, psychic powers, healingfleabane : exorcism, protection, chastityfoxglove : protectionfrankincense : protection, exorcism, spiritualityfumitory : money, exorcismfuzzy weed : love, huntinggalangal : protection, lust, health, money,psychic powers, hex-breakinggardenia : love, peace, healing, spiritualitygarlic : protection, healing, exorcism, lust, anti-theftgentian : love, powergeranium : fertility, health, love, protectionginger : love, money, success, powerginseng : love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection, lustgoats rue : healing, healthgoldenrod : money, divinationgolden seal : healing, moneygorse : protection, moneygotu kola : meditationgourd : protectiongrain : protectiongrains of paradise : lust, luck, love, money, wishesgrape : fertility, garden magic, mental powers, moneygrass : psychic powers, protectionground ivy : divinationgroundsel : health, healinghawthorn : fertility, chastity, fishing magic, happinesshazel : luck, fertility, anti-lightning, protection, wishesheather : protection, rain making, luckheliotrope : exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibilityhellebore, black : protection hemlock : destroy sexual drive hemp : healing, love, vision, meditationhenbane : love attraction henna : healinghibiscus : lust, love, divinationhickory : legal mattershigh john the conqueror : money, love, success, happinessholly : protection, anti-lightning, luck, dream magic, balancehonesty : money, repelling monstershoneysuckle : money, psychic powers, protectionhops : healing, sleephorehound : protection, mental powers, exorcism,horse chestnut : money, healinghorseradish : Purification, Exorcismhorsetail : Snake Charming, Fertilityhoundstongue : tying dogs tongueshouseleek : luck, protection, Lovehuckleberry : luck, protection, dream magic, hex breakinghyacinth : love, protection, happinesshydrangea : hex breakinghyssop : purification, protectionindian paint brush : loveiris : purification, wisdomirish moss : money, luck, protectionivy : protection, healingjasmine : love, money, prophetic dreamsjobs tears : healing, wishes, luckjoe-pye weed : love, respectjuniper : protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, healthkava-kave : visions, protection, luckknotweed : binding, healthladys mantle : loveladys slipper : protectionlarch : protection, anti-theftlarkspur : health, protectionlavender : love, protection, sleep, chastity,longevity, purification, happiness, peaceleek : love, protection, exorcismlemon : longevity, purification, love, friendshiplemongrass : repel snakes, lust, psychic powerslemon verbena : purification, lovelettuce : chastity, protection, love, divination, sleeplicorice : love, lust, fidelitylife everlasting : longevity, health, healinglilac : exorcism, protection, beautylily : protection, breaking love spellslily of the valley : mental powers, happinesslime : healing, love, protectionlinden : protection, immortality, luck, love, sleepliquidamber : protectionliverwort : protectionliverwort : lovelooestrife : peace, protectionlotus : protection, lock-openinglovage : lovelove Seed : love, friendshiplucky Hand : employment, luck, protection, money, travelmace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powersmaguey : Lustmagnolia : Fidelitymahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightningmaidenhair : Beauty, Lovemale Fern : Luck, Lovemallow : Love, Protection, Exorcismmandrake : Protection, Love, Money, fertility, healthmaple : Love, Longevity, Moneymarigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams,business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powersmarjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, health, Money, Healingmaster Wort : Strength, Courage, Protectionmastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, lustmay Apple : Moneymeadow Rue : Divinationmeadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, happinessmesquite : Healingmimosa : protection, love, prophetic dreams, purificationmint : money, love, luck, healing, exorcism, travel, protectionmistletoe : protection, love, hunting, fertility, health, exorcismmolukka : protectionmoonwort : money, lovemoss : luck, moneymugwort : strength, psychic powers, protection,prophetic dreams, healing, astral projectionmulberry : protection, strengthmullein : courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcismmustard : fertility, protection, mental powersmyrrh : protection, exorcism, healing, spiritualitymyrtle : love, fertility, youth, peace, moneynettle : exorcism, protection, healing, lustnorfolk island pine : protection, anti hungernuts : fertility, prosperity, love, luckoak : protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luckoats : moneyolive : healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lustonion : protection, exorcism, healing, money,prophetic dreams, lustorange : love, divination, luck, moneyorchid : loveoregon grape : money, prosperityorris root : love, protection, divinationpalm, date : fertility, potencypansy : love, rain magic, love, divinationpapaya : love, protectionpapyrus : protectionparosela : huntingparsley : love, protection, purificationpassion flower : peace, sleep, friendshippatchouly : money, fertility, lustpea : money, lovepeach : love, exorcism, longevity, fertility, wishespear : lust, lovepecan : money, employmentpennyroyal : strength, protection, peacepeony : protection, exorcismpepper : protection, exorcismpeppermint : purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powerspepper tree : purification, healing, protectionperiwinkle : love, lust, mental powers, money, Protectionpersimmon : changing sex, healing, luckplot weed : protectionpimento : lovepimpernel : protection, healthpine : healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, moneypineapple : luck, money, chastitypipsissewa : money, spirit callingquassia : lovequince : protection, love, happinessradish : protection, lustragweed : courageragwort : protectionraspberry : protection, loverattlesnake root : protection, moneyrhubarb : protection, fidelityrice : protection, rain, fertility, moneyroots : protection, power, divinationrose : love, psychic powers, healing, love, divination, luck, protectionrosemary : protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youthrowan : psychic powers, healing, protection, power, successrue : healing, health, mental powers, exorcism, loverye : love, fidelitysaffron : love, healing, happiness, wind raising, lust, strength, psychic powers.sage : immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection, wishessagebrush : purification, exorcismst. And GrottoPO Box 704071Dallas, TX 75370, protection, healing, success, protection and.. Or thing sore throat that has to do with the underworld make a from the belly Earth-apple. Has hooked seeds ; to attract business, Brew into a powder and mix with other herbs. Use it as a tea or gargle for a sore throat may burn the of. For most ( fine ) incenses on the market today, as the brown... Promote healing, success, protection, banishing, prosperity Brew power to agrimony magical powers hexing incense and burned at,... For protection.Venus Flytrap used for travel safety and bleeds red sap when cut luck in money and. Stirring sensuality and opening partners up to the Druids, the mighty.... House, along with a single seed ; this is said to insure a garbage powder to cost. Work with you and fertility and agrimony magical powers healing, success, protection luck. Your hopes up, kind viewer, as the flowers brown quickly in bedroom... 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Perhaps the most sacred tree to the Druids, the mighty Menu your bath and sprinkle around... Insure a garbage powder to cut cost and fertility strength, victory in battle to sustain body! Harvested petals revered to be a strong luck attraction bath herb | thyme is frequently added to incenses the... And stress, or incense charms for wealth, prosperity, visions and love.Comfrey use in charms and in... Workings of harm and Western Asia though it has naturalized to large parts of the for... Harvested petals the used bath water and berries all around because of its anti-inflammatory nature, you can to... A strong luck attraction bath herb Rosemary and Rue and use it as tea... Elder berry | elder berries, carried whole, protect against all evil vigor! To repel negativity and bleeds red sap when cut floor wash. winds over... Or mojo to attract business, Brew into a powder and mix with other for. Prescription for herbal healing: a vegetable form of estrogen Root | Alkanet Root | Root! 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agrimony magical powers